Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Artikelen in internationale tijdschriften (peer reviewed):
Lettinga, D. & Kaulingfreks, F. (forthcoming), ‘Clashing Activisms: International Human Rights Organizations and Unruly Politics’, Journal of Human Rights Practice.
D. & Saharso, S. (2014), ‘Outsiders within: framing and regulation of headscarves in France, Germany and the Netherlands’, Social Inclusion 2(3), pp. 29-39. Special issue “Policing Ethnicity: Between the Rhetoric of Inclusion and the Practices and Policies of Exclusion”, edited by A. Peterson & Malin Åkerström.
Roggeband, C. & Lettinga, D. (2014), ‘In defence of gender equality? Comparing the political debates about headscarves and honour related crimes in France and the Netherlands’, Social Politics. International Study in Gender, State and Society (forthcoming)
Bonjour, S. & Lettinga, D. (2012), ‘Political debates on Islamic headscarves and civic integration abroad in France and in the Netherlands: What can models explain?’ Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 10(3), pp. 260-278 . Special issue ‘The heuristic value of integration models for international comparisons’, edited by C. Finotelli & I.Michalowski.
Lettinga, D. & Saharso, S. (2012), ‘The political debates on the veil in France and the Netherlands: reflecting national integration models?’ Comparative European Politics 10(3), pp. 319-336. Special issue ‘The Problems with National Models of Integration: A Franco-Dutch Comparison’, edited by C. Bertossi, J.W. Duyvendak & M. Schain.
Saharso, S & Lettinga, D. (2009), ‘Contentious citizenship: policies and debates on the veil in the Netherlands’, Social Politics. International Study in Gender, State and Society 15 (4), pp. 455-480. Special issue ‘The Veil: Debating Citizenship, Gender and Religious Diversity’, edited by S. Kilic, S. Saharso & B. Sauer.
Lettinga, D. & Saharso, S. (2009), ‘Débats sur le ‘voile Musulman’ en France et aux Pays Bas’, Migrations Société 21(122), pp. 237-276. Special issue ‘Beyond models of integration: France, the Netherlands and the Crisis of National Models’, edited by C. Bertossi & J.W. Duyvendak
Artikelen in Nederlandse tijdschriften (peer reviewed):
Lettinga, D. (2010). ‘Gluren bij de Buren. Het politieke debat en beleid over de hoofddoek in Duitsland’, Migrantenstudies, Tijdschrift voor Migratie en Etnische Studies 26(2), 142-160.
Lettinga, D. (2007), ‘Strijders van eigen bodem. Radicale en democratische moslims in Nederland. Boekrecensie’, Migrantenstudies, Tijdschrift voor Migratie en Etnische Studies 23(1), pp. 63-67.
Lettinga, D. (2007), ‘Reacties op het nieuws: Marokkanendrama’, Migrantenstudies, Tijdschrift voor Migratie en Etnische Studies (23)3, pp. 225-230.